Edoardo Ricci Avvocati among best law firms of the year, says Statista and Il Sole 24 Ore survey

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Our firm was ranked among the best law firms of the year 2021, in the survey conducted for the renowned financial and economic newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, by Statista, a world leading business data platform.

The survey is the result of a crossed-reference analysis based on reports and mentions by other lawyers, corporate managers and clients.

The firm and all its professionals wish to thank all the colleagues, practitioners and clients who honoured us with a mention. This is a telltale sign of the excellence of our work, built day by day with passion and commitment.

Edoardo Ricci Avvocati among the best italian firms for corporate law in 2021 according to Milano Finanza

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Edoardo Ricci Avvocati has been selected among the best italian firms for corporate law in 2021, in the fields of commercial and business law, mergers and acquisitions, dispute resolution and IP/IT.

Our partners Niccolò Nisivoccia and Matteo Spataro were particularly mentioned, and so were Roberto Marinoni and Veronica Cascavilla, for dispute resolution, and Gabriele Prenna, in the regulatory & compliance area.

The enquiry was carried out by Class Editori, leading newspaper publisher in financial information and owner, among the others, of the renowned magazine “Milano Finanza”, through an algorythm-based research and parametered cross-analysis of data concerning professionals, clients, expertise, mandates and outcomes.

Exploiting trust in wealth management and among family

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Veronica Cascavilla, partner of our law Firm, was interviewed by Private, private banking and wealth management focused-magazine, about trust’s employment in family-related wealth management and asset handovers.

Originally born in Anglo-Saxon legal systems, trust can be conveniently exploited in a wide variety of cases and for many different purposes due to the segregation and asset protection effects it naturally delivers. For instance, it can be used as an efficient vehicle for asset handovers, especially in the context of family-run companies, which is often underrated among entrepreneurs. And it also affords efficient solutions in marital relationships’ crisis, enabling to stipulate an accurate property division in such a way as to properly prevent any risks related to the unfortunately widespread failure to obligation of maintenance.

If you wish to know more, download the extract from 2021 January issue of Private Magazine!